The Cooperation Network of the Heritage of Roman Roads, Iter Romanum, is open to new partnerships, in addition to those currently entitled to full membership.
- Towns having a Roman heritage related to a Roman road.
- Towns that don’t belong to an association which is already a member of the Cooperation Network of the Heritage of Roman Roads.

Entities with competencies in heritage conservation and dissemination. (Museums, foundations, institutes)
- These entities must be located in towns that comply with the previously described requirements.
Municipal associations.
- Their aim must be the cultural and touristic promotion of a Roman road
Membership Process
Full Members
- Contact the Technical Management Office which will provide the requesting entity information on the association’s objectives, way of working and annual plan, as well as the rights and obligations of partners.
- Presentation of the membership application, which includes the following documents:
- Membership letter (Download model)
- Agreement by the governing body of the candidate entity with sufficient powers to apply for membership to the association.
- Descriptive sheet including:
- Entity data
- Contact data
- Information about the Roman road or roads that reached the site, about the Roman remains that are to be valuated, their location, bibliography, the activities and scientific publications from the last 3 years related to their Roman heritage, as well as the relationship between the related cultural and tourist offer and the activities aimed at youth groups.
- It must be clearly stated in the document exactly what the new candidate’s contribution to the network will be in terms of Roman heritage.
- Evaluation report by the Scientific Committee. Once all the information is received, it will be sent to the Committee for review. The Scientific Committee will write a justified report recommending either acceptance or rejection of the candidacy, based on its evaluation and compliance with membership requirements, which will be sent to the Board of Directors for validation before being presented to the General Assembly.
Requirements for all full partners
- The heritage site promoted through Iter Romanum must be accessible and visitable. All partners must meet this requirement.
- Partners must pledge to actively participate in the activities that the Network annually approves in the General Assembly.