República Media
(274-146 a.C.)
Oppidum Galo
Guerras Pírricas
(280-275 a.C.)
280 a.C.
Guerras púnicas
(264-146 a.C.)
264 a.C.
203 a.C.
Fundación de Italica
Ruta Vía de la Plata (Spain)
181 a.C.
Fundación Colonia
Aquileia (Italy)
Conquista de Macedonia
168 a.C.
The Late Roman Republic
(146-27 BC)
Lusitanian War
(155-139 BC)
155 BC
153 BC
Vía Annia was built
Aquileia (Italy)
148 BC
Vía Postumia was built
Aquileia (Italy)
138 BC
Decimus Junius Brutus's Expedition
(138-136 BC) - Braga (Portugal)
90 BC
Became a municipality
Aquileia (Italy)
First Civil War. Sila’s victory
(88-81 BC)
88 BC
70 BC
Revolt of the Batavi. Remarkable development of the vicus
(70-69 BC) - Alesia (France)
Gallic Wars
(58-50 BC)
58 BC
57 BC
Cesar chose Aquileia as his winter base during the campaigns to conquer Gaul. The proconsul also returned to stay in the upper Adriatic city in the following years
52 BC
Siege. Julius Caesar’s victory over Vercingetorix
Alesia (France)
50 BC
Creation of Gallia Belgica
Arlon (Belgium)
Second Civil War. Julius Caesar's victory
(49-45 BC)
49 BC
Julius Caesar’s assassination
44 BC
Third Civil War. Mark Antony, Octavian and Lepidus’s victory
(43-42 BC)
43 BC
35 BC
Augustus's campaign against the Pannonian tribes
(35-33 BC) - Sremska Mitrovica (Serbia)
Transformation into Gallo-Roman city
Alesia (France)
Mérida, capital of Lusitania
Ruta Vía de la Plata (Spain)
Fourth Civil War. Octavian's victory
(32-30 BC)
32 BC
Julio-Claudian Dynasty
(27 BC - 68 AD)
Cantabrian and Asturian Wars
(29-19 BC)
29 BC
Camp of the Legio VI Victrix in León
Ruta Vía de la Plata (Spain)
Octavian proclaimed Augustus Caesar
27 BC
25 BC
Founding of Mérida
Ruta Vía de la Plata (Spain)
22 BC
Gallia Belgica Province. Founding of Orolaunum Vicus, dependent on Civitas Treverorum
Arlon (Belgium)
16 BC
Braga (Portugal)
14 BC
Camp of the Legio X Gemina in Astorga
Ruta Vía de la Plata (Spain)
13 BC
Tiberius conquers the east of Pannonia
(13-9 BC) - Sremska Mitrovica (Serbia)
Large urban expansion. Construction of the Vía Nova XVIII
Braga (Portugal)
Golden Age of Italica
Ruta Vía de la Plata (Spain)
First settlements in Gijón
Ruta Vía de la Plata (Spain)
12 BC
First Milestones. Settlement and growth of the city
(12-11 BC) - Braga (Portugal)
Roman conquest of Britain
43 AD
Flavian Dynasty
(69-96 AD)
Emperor Vespasian
69 AD
Siege of Jerusalem
70 AD
74 AD
Legio VII Gemina settled in León
Ruta Vía de la Plata (Spain)
New buildings
Braga (Portugal)
Major development of the Route
Ruta Vía de la Plata (Spain)
Antonine Dynasty
(96-192 AD)
Emperor Trajan
98 AD
Dacian Wars
(101-106 AD)
101 AD
103 AD
Capital of Lower Pannonia
Sremska Mitrovica (Serbia)
Germanic incursions. Fortification of the vicus
Arlon (Belgium)
Route repairs
Braga (Portugal)
Mérida, capital of the Hispania diocese
Ruta Vía de la Plata (Spain)
Conquest of Mesopotamia and Assyria. Maximum territorial expansion of the empire
116 AD
Severan Dynasty and the third-century crisis
(193-284 AD)
Emperor Septimius Severus
193 AD
Constitutio Antoniniana (Edict of Caracalla)
212 AD
(284-305 AD)
Diocletian’s Proclamation
284 AD
Capital of the Gallaecia province
(284-286 AD) - Braga (Portugal)
293 AD
296 AD
Capital of Pannonia Secunda
Sremska Mitrovica (Serbia)
297 AD
Belgica Prima Province, capital in Trier
Arlon (Belgium)
Refurbishment of the monument to Ucuetis
Alesia (France)
(306-337 AD)
306 AD
Augusta Treverorum, imperial residence during different periods. Orolaunum Vicus benefits from the splendor of citizenship (civitas)
(306- 390 AD) - Arlon (Belgium)
Fortification of Astorga, León and Gijón
Ruta Vía de la Plata (Spain)
Edict of Milan. Freedom of worship
313 AD
First Council of Nicaea
325 AD
Founding of Constantinople
330 AD
Successors of Constantine
(337-476 AD)
AD Reign of Theodosius
(379-395 AD)
379 AD
Edict of Thessalonica. Christianity as official religion
380 AD
385 AD
Cited as a bishopric
Braga (Portugal)
390 AD
Augusta Treverorum, imperial residence during different periods. Orolaunum Vicus benefits from the splendor of citizenship (civitas)
(306- 390 AD) - Arlon (Belgium)
Fortification of Astorga, León and Gijón
Ruta Vía de la Plata (Spain)
Division of the Empire
395 AD
401 AD
Siege by Alaric I and the Visigoths
Alesia (France)
Capital in Ravenna
402 AD
AD Gothic War Alaric I
(408-416 AD)
408 AD
411 AD
Capital of the Suebi kingdom of Gallæcia
Braga (Portugal)
429 AD
Suebi invasión of Mérida
Ruta Vía de la Plata (Spain)
441 AD
Occupation by Huns
Sremska Mitrovica (Serbia)
442 AD
Mérida, Suebi capital
Ruta Vía de la Plata (Spain)
Battle of the Catalaunian Fields against Attila and the Huns
451 AD
452 AD
Sacking by Attila and the Huns
Alesia (France)
Sacking of Rome (Vandals)
455 AD
456 AD
Sacking by Theodoric II
Braga (Portugal)
Fall of the Western Roman Empire
476 AD
Gothic Wars
(535-554 AD)
535 AD
568 AD
Lombard invasion
Aquiliea (Italy)
582 AD
Destruction by the Avars
Sremska Mitrovica (Serbia)
585 AD
Visigoth occupation
Braga (Portugal)
713 AD
Taking of the city by Moors from Mérida
Braga (Portugal)
715 AD
Destruction by Moors
Braga (Portugal)
753 AD
Incursions by Alfonso I of Asturias
(753-754 AD) - Braga (Portugal)
Charlemagne, King of the Franks
768 AD